I've looked for modern testimonies of the Oracle but found nothing. I'm sure there are journals, diaries, or memoirs out there, or unwritten or untold stories, which may corroborate the continuity of the Oracle, but I haven't found any. So, I decided to share my experience, to put it out there, because it is a fascinating testimony of what the Oracle of Delphi can actually be, and, mainly, because what took place there demonstrates how amazing Life truly is.
This painting, done by Michelangelo on the Sistine Ceiling, depicts the Oracle of Delphi as the woman who speaks it. But the Oracle, as it was known for over a thousand years, was neither the person nor the place, but the message itself, which always came in the form of a riddle, only truly understood by the person who asked the question.
This poetic response has been mythicized as the whisper of Python in the ears of Pythia, the entranced message induced by tectonic fumes of the Delphian region, a divine gift for the savant gipsy, or merely a human invention. And I think it is all of that, including invention.
When myths were invented in ancient Greece, it was always to explain something real, in response to the existence of what was important to them, water and fire, beauty and love, life and death. So, something must have happened in the Delphian region to provoke imagined explanations in reaction to it. Whatever it was, it inspired the creation of endless stories around it for hundreds of years on.
The problem I have here trying to explain such things like the Oracle, is that it is a metaphysical occurrence, which means it takes place in a sort of quantum realm, not in our familiar time-space continuum. For that reason, its presence and words cannot be understood by our everyday minds, by our modern ways of thinking. This doesn't mean it cannot be effectively written in the form of a story, a logical narration that still makes sense to our minds. But what takes place in parallel fields of reality, can be and has always been understood intuitively. We all possess that valid and real sixth sense, which we don't exercise much but it's there, ready to be activated. Let this story open your intuition, your third eye, and let it show you the magic between the lines and inside the words.
I'd say one more thing before you read it. Explaining the Oracle is like explaining music or true poetry, words alone cannot do it. But, like music and poetry, the limitation of the words doesn't conflict with the complete understanding we have of them. We do comprehend the songs, a Bach suite or a jazz impromptu, by just listening to them. We all get the poems too, a Shakespearean sonnet or a T. S. Elliot's love song, by just reading them. And the fact that we cannot truly explain them in our own everyday words doesn't negate our profound discernment of them. We apprehend what they mean intrinsically, intuitively, with a mind that doesn't need much thinking about the words in the poem or the notes in the song, but with a self that rather perceives their expression without any thought needed to assist.
Let the same thing happen to you with the story of my Oracle. Read it, and comprehend what it implies intuitively, even if its occurrence could be explained with pure logical rationalization.
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